SWOT stands for Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats and its a structure planning method for accessing SWOT. It is a 2x2 matrix that is helpful for finding the factors that are helpful and harmful for your business.
It is internal and we could control this. This is Positive.
Example: what are you good at?, your Uniqueness?, your advantage, my personal qualities?, etcs..,
It is also internal and we could control this also. This is Negative.
Example: What are you bad at?, your disadvantage?,
It is external and we could not control this. This is Positive.
Example: Getting partnerships, funds, etcs.,
It is also external and we could not control this. This is Negative.
Example: new legislation passing, tax increasing, etc.,
It is internal and we could control this. This is Positive.
Example: what are you good at?, your Uniqueness?, your advantage, my personal qualities?, etcs..,
It is also internal and we could control this also. This is Negative.
Example: What are you bad at?, your disadvantage?,
It is external and we could not control this. This is Positive.
Example: Getting partnerships, funds, etcs.,
It is also external and we could not control this. This is Negative.
Example: new legislation passing, tax increasing, etc.,
- This is the most useful and using tools for internal and external analysis of your organization.
- strategy building for your organization
- Matching, to find competitive advantage by matching the strengths to opportunities
- converting our threats/weakness into opportunities and weakness by conversion strategy.
- Download the template from the internet.
- Sit with your team if you are doing for your organization or sit alone without any disturbance if it is personal one.
- Brainstorm at the strength and weaknesses.
- Brainstorm at the Threat and opportunities.
- Brainstorm how to make use of strength and opportunity and how to get out of weakness and threats.
- Build Strategy, Plan and execute.